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Attention: Ambitious Career Women, Introverts and Recovering Perfectionists
REVEALED: The 4-Step Performance Rebuilding System to Overcome Negative Thoughts, Eliminate Analysis Paralysis and Go From 'Anxious & frozen' to 'Confident, Fearless & Progressive ' in 30 Days
(stop going round in circles and save time with a proven system)

Are you tired of settling for less and performing below the level you expect of yourself? 

Do you miss out on career or relationship opportunities because you feel you are not good enough or fear you will fail at it? 

Is your fear of trying new things stopping you from pursuing new roles and experiences that progress your life and career goals? 

Do you continuously doubt yourself and your abilities so much that it leads to paralysis, anxiety or depression? 

Are you feeling overwhelmed and crippled by the negative life experiences you have been through?

You are not alone...

If you are reading this, you are most likely a high achieving woman who is tired of your negative emotions, fears & doubts getting in the way of your life, relationship and career growth. 

I know what it means to be where you are now. I am an ambitious woman. 

I was a perfectionist and high achiever working as a management consultant in a top UK firm; A best graduating student from a prestigious UK university with a PhD in Chemical Engineering. I had high expectations of myself. 

Other people had high expectations of me. I was used to being seen as ‘the reliable one,” and definitely liked the thrill of achieving goals.

…Then it all came crumbling down.

About 9 years ago I suffered trauma, anxiety and depression that totally crippled me and threw my life far off track. 

I took significant time off work recuperating, lost my happiness and found myself extremely low in self esteem and confidence. 

Returning to work from sick leave was tough as I doubted myself & my abilities, and struggled to perform at the level expected of me. 

I found myself in a state of helplessness that I was not used to. My feelings of fear, failure, self doubt and anxiety made me play small and hide away from being seen or heard. 

I was desperate for help and tried different things…

From therapy to medication, self help books, motivational videos, yoga meditation, high paying personal development programs and more… and yet I still struggled.

That was until I met a particular coach who had been through something similar to me; who understood where I was in my journey and had the empathy to guide me back to my high performing self and potential...

I finally went from anxious, overwhelmed and scared to be seen or heard in public to:

Becoming an author (of Shadows in the Mirror - The Many faces of Depression) 

Finding my voice and speaking at international events 

Giving a live training to 2500 people 

Getting promoted at work 

Leading teams of people on large scale projects from strategy to execution 

Loving myself more and being surrounded by healthy, loving relationships

This transformational journey was not easy...

It was long, painful, expensive and filled with a tonne of mistakes that could have been avoided if I had known better earlier...

So I promised myself that I will do whatever I can to help others heal and rebuild themselves. 

I took a step back to reflect, strip out all the fluff and break down the system I used to overcome the negative emotions/beliefs holding me back, and rebuild my self esteem, confidence and performance, so you can do the same too.

…only faster and with more structure and guidance…

Today I am excited to announce this 4 step performance rebuilding system is ready for you.. It is called The Confidence Rebuilding Accelerator (CRA).

Introducing The Confidence Rebuilding Accelerator (CRA)

We Start : 19 April, 2022

Where: Zoom...

Here’s What You’ll Discover Inside
The Confidence Rebuilding Accelerator Bootcamp

Set the Right Foundations (Pre-Program Module) - You will build a new vision for yourself so you set yourself up for success from the start, and have a renewed picture of your life and self that drives you forward.

Reframing Your Mindset: Fears, Doubts & Beliefs (Module 1) - You will learn to deal with the voice in your head, identify the fears, blockers, emotions or doubts getting in your way and overcome self limiting thoughts so you stop self sabotaging your goals.

Becoming a Self Expert (Module 2) - You will develop self mastery, let go of the experiences impacting you and map out the new story you tell yourself going forward so you build awareness of yourself, strengths, weaknesses and potential.

Embracing Vulnerability & Personal Power (Module 3) - You will work on how you perceive failure, grow in your ability to be vulnerable and start taking tangible action so you become unstoppable and avoid patterns of analysis paralysis and sabotage.

Fuelling Your Confidence (Module 4) - You will transform how you show up in your life, work and relationships, learn to manage your energy/confidence levels and get equipped with confidence boosting strategies so you can empower yourself to repeatedly take action in any situation.

If you overcome your negative emotions / fears and go from anxious to confident, you will rebuild belief in yourself, boost your performance and accomplish more in 30 days than you have in the last 3 years.

This 4-step transformational system offers the most impactful confidence rebuilding framework on the web today.


(Don’t take my word for it. See what other CRA Bootcamp students are saying….)`

Tanya I.

" Working in a group with Dr. Vivian was a delight. She listened to us, acknowledging whatever we were navigating while helping us to see the opportunity in the situation. She also provided recommendations and assignments on how to rebuild. This course really boosted my confidence and made me realise my strengths, as well as the things I am capable of achieving. Thank you Dr. Viv."

Sara M.

"This programme provided me with tools and techniques that made me confident at work, manage my expectations and better deal with my failures . My colleagues at work started to see the change in me, and I got an award for best presentation during a conference organised by my company . I have further been recommended for a promotion and generally feel more confident at work. I highly recommend this programme."

Amy T.

"I was on the journey of rebuilding my self-confidence and putting myself out for new fulfilling relationships and leadership opportunities when I found this program. Every module unlocked another layer of myself. In the end, I come out with not only knowing my weakness and vulnerability but with new acceptance of myself and the tools to reset with when the doubt demon appears. This programme was hands down my best investment in 2020."

Angie C.

"The session with Dr Viv are nothing less than empowering and uplifting. She is able to empathise yet help to navigate with balance through highly emotional triggers that need utmost sensitivity in approach. She also helps one to become accountable and swiftly move from a victim mentality or state of mind to a positive affirmation perspective. I will recommend her any day."

Tobs I.

"I found this course to be very informative and eye - opening. It taught me how to embrace my fears, reframe my mindset and understand that everyone has something that is worth celebrating. I have learnt that what I do ( my job / job title ) does not define who I am. I would definitely recommend this course to anyone who is looking to boost their confidence in the workplace and in life in general."

Here’s everything you’re going to 

get your hands on when you enrol ….

Instant Access to the core training videos (Value $1200) 

4 weeks + 2 BONUS week (6 WEEKS) of live Q&A calls with Dr Viv (Value $2000)

Easy to use editable PDF worksheets (Value $400) 

Weekly Confidence diaries with activity trackin(Value $300)

My weekly ‘Letters to Me’ journal templates (Value $200)

Facebook CRA group access for peer-2-peer support (Value $1000)

My 100% 30-day money back guarantee (Value $397)

Accountability, mentorship & Community

… and if you act today, you’ll also get 

these 3 free bonuses

Bonus - access To The Anxious to Confident training Course (Value $300)

Bonus - 3 minute affirmations for daily peak performance (Value $100) 

Bonus - case studies (Value $100)

You are moments away from getting your hands on the most complete confidence rebuilding framework ever assembled. 

...and you probably know that having someone do this alongside you will not only speed up your results but will also save you all the headaches you might come across on your own.  
… Especially having a Guide like me who has been where you are right now,... who is empathetic enough to hold space for you,… and motivational enough to inspire you to take action & believe in yourself again.

Want to be more confident speaking up in meetings? No problem - I got this.

Want to feel confident within yourself to pursue anything you want? Ditto - I got this.

Are you scared to try new things or put your hands up for opportunities outside your comfort zone? That won’t be an issue.

Worried about figuring it all out on your own, or not being consistent & focused with your growth? …. You get the idea.

Here’s why I spent over £10,000 to learn this System so you don’t have to....
My own journey back to self and potential was long and expensive. I invested more time and money than I can count, seeking help.. from therapists, coaches, and personal development programs. 

 Countless hours and tears spent working on myself…. and I am summing up what I learnt in this system so you have a smoother, quicker transformational journey.

This system will normally cost $5997

... Yours Today Just $997

Note: EARLY BIRD OFFER (Price goes up soon in 7 days to $1497)

(Flexible payment plan option available)

We Start : 19 April, 2022

Where: Zoom...

30 days money-back guarantee.

I am so confident that this 4-step performance rebuilding system will help you if you do the work. If you don’t like it, just let us know and you’ll get back what you paid today

By the time you are done with the bootcamp, you will have a renewed self belief system that brings in the career progression, improved health and better relationships you want.
Imagine being able to confidently articulate your thoughts & opinions in meetings without fear of making mistakes or being laughed at...

Imagine being able to make clearer decisions about your life, career, health and relationships with every fibre of confidence in yourself...

Imagine having relentless self belief to pursue the career goals you desire and increase your income potential, without any feelings of inadequacy or insecurity...

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the answers to some of the most commonly asked questions I get...

  • I’m going to try to figure this out on my own - Why do I need to pay when I can just read up and watch things for free?
    I agree with you. There’s loooaaaads of amazing podcasts, youtube videos and books that you can read up or listen to, to rebuild your confidence & help you get motivated back to performing at your highest potential.

    I salute your courage and patience, if you can navigate the many random resources to figure out what you really need. Phew! I was overwhelmed when I tried it on my own years ago.

    But that’s the beauty of being part of a tried and tested transformational programme that guides you on what to do. It saves you time and makes your recovery process faster.

    Plus… it is so empowering to have someone who has been where you are at and overcome, cheering you on, encouraging and inspiring you to believe in yourself again.
  • I'll be fine. I don't need help. I have it all together
    Sure - you look good & happy on the outside. In fact you've been good at masking what you really feel, being the strong one and wanting people to see you as having it all together, even when you are struggling on the inside.

    But how much longer can you go on like this - not looking after yourself?

    The question is “ what do you keep losing because you choose to stay the same?”... and “what could you gain if you dropped the ‘all is good” facade and put in the work to improve your life?” Your choice.
  • I don’t think I can afford it
    Yes I get it. Investing in yourself is scary, especially if you're not used to taking care of yourself.

    But let me ask you this - do you know that you are important enough to invest in yourself; your growth; your healing and self-care? You spend money on food, on other people, on new clothes and even crap you don’t really need. What more your own healing, recovery and wholeness.

    Do you realise that you are important enough and essential enough? Just Imagine how much better your life would be if you believed in yourself again and could start taking more action without fear or overwhelm. Imagine how much progress you could make in your life and career. Imagine how much more income you could make. Think about how happy and fulfilled you will feel.

    Do you still think your life and future are not worth every penny you invest in yourself?

    By the way, I have made payment plans available to give you some flexibility, should you find this helpful.
  • I’ve done loads of self-help stuff and tried other things that didn’t work - is this just more of that?
    This is both an educational and implementation programme rather than just informational where you simply take notes.

    This tried & tested 4 part system is a summary of what I learnt works, after countless hours, months and tears spent looking for help in my own journey. It is designed to shift your entire perspective and transform you. Commit yourself to following the system.

    Like any training - whether this works for you comes down purely to how much you put into it. I will give you everything I have to give and leave nothing unturned. But it’s over to you. If you put in the work, you will get the result.
  • I’ve got a busy, busy life - Does it involve a tonne of extra work?
    I hear you. Although this programme is bite sized, easy to consume and designed to be completed over 4 weeks, you have flexibility and can complete it at your own pace.

    However, note that the people who really excel and get results are the ones who show up and get stuck in. So this question is really about - how much do you want to change your life?
  • How is this different from therapy? Can’t I just go to a Therapist for all of this?
    Come on a journey with me. Let's take a walk in the shoes of a tennis player who has been told she needs surgery to overcome a knee injury. Her surgery has been successfully carried out by a surgeon. But she soon realises she still needs the help of a physiotherapist to get her knee fully functioning again so she can perform at her best on the tennis court.

    It is the same thing with you - your recovery & journey back to full potential.

    Therapy is past focused and will help you deal with your past and emotions - trauma, … anxiety, … depression…

    … while coaching is more future focused and will help you articulate where you are, where you want to go and deal with what’s in your way. If you want to rebuild your confidence and performance and see yourself making progress on your life & career goals, you need more than therapy. You need coaching… and coaching will give you accountability and support to help you make progress forward & thrive.

    For this reason - coaching and therapy can run at the same time with no fear of clashing. However, I would always check with any medical professional you are seeing first.
  • What if I need additional help?
    Sure. Although You will have weekly LIVE Q&A sessions with Dr Viv for support and accountability, and can also connect with other students for peer support, We know you may need more. You have a few options.

    1- Have specific questions? - send us an email to support@vivianikem.com. Please allow about 24-72 hours for a response.

    2- Use the FB CRA group for peer-2-peer support.

    3 - Need more hands on support, you can alternatively opt-in to work with me 1-2-1 too. Please note that there are limited spaces available for this. Apply to work with me here - https://vivianikem.com/bookings/

YES Dr Viv! Enrol me in The 'Confidence Rebuilding Accelerator bootcamp' NOW 

For Just $997.00!

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    One-time payment ($347.00)$997.00
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